Official Address | Islamic Foundation Bangladesh, Agargaon, Sher-e- Bangla Nagar, Dhaka -1207. |
Status | Autonomous body under the Ministry of Religious Affairs. |
Aims & objectives | To preach and propagate the values and ideals of Islam, the only complete code of life acceptable to the Almighty Allah, in its right perspective as a religion of humanity, tolerance and universal brotherhood and bring the majority people of Bangladesh under the banner of Islam. |
Source of Fund | Grants from Bangladesh Government, own source , aids, grants received from foreign countries, and agencies with prior approval of the Government. |
Management | A Board of Governors comprising 17 members give the overall guidance overseeing the activities of Foundation. |
Organizational structure | The Director General is the Chief Executive of the Foundation. For smooth discharge of responsibilities, he is assisted by one Secretary and 21 Directors. |
Islamic Mission | Medicare facilities provided to: 1,36,57,518 persons.interest free loan : 3,470 persons.literacy : 1,79,331 persons. |
Seminar Symposia | 58 district and 6 divisional offices and the Head Office organize nearly 2630 programs per year. |
Imam training | Training imparted to the Imams: 45,623 persons. |